First release

02 May 23

Tileline is a small project that I started in my free time (of free time), because I want to have a simple block(tile) visualization, that could have been fed with some arbitrary data.

My final scope was to create something that would produce year tile lines fed from external sources like source code management, website events, and what ever I could come up with, for build personal static blog/websites.

So this is the first independent crate that goes in that direction.

Not having much time to build this project myself, I'm doing a "early" open sourcing with the hope that other people jump in and play with it, this to me feel like a good hobby project to help on and build something on top, and I hope other people are of the same opinion.

Even I do not have to much time to focus on this, I'm more than happy to do review of PR, publish releases, accept new random features, code, documentation, website, or what ever contribution come in.

Now that you know why, let's see what this do, today tileline has 3 APIs, tile, metadata_tile and year_tile:

This is more or less all, there is some additional configuration to provide the sizes, border shapes and paddings.

Here some example output of the three features listed:







To see some example code just checkout the examples or the tests